6 Subtle Signs Your Loved One Is Struggling With Anxiety

Difficulty in sleeping
January 27, 2022

Sometimes, life can be overwhelming, and all the stress may lead to several mental-health problems- anxiety being one of them. However, when a person struggles with anxiety, their behavior is often labeled ‘irrational’. Moreover, you may not know how to support them and make them feel better.

What’s worse is that people having anxiety usually never come forward to ask for help. They keep fighting it all by themselves, sometimes without even knowing that they have anxiety issues. 

Here, you can be of immense help to them by figuring out just what is wrong and why and being proactive in their treatment. 

Below, we have listed six subtle signs your loved one is struggling with anxiety!

1. Unusual habits- They may develop some habits to self-soothe during bouts of anxiety. These habits may not make any sense to you or anyone else, but they arise out of a sort of compulsion springing from anxiety. These habits can include washing hands obsessively, doing things a certain way, and checking locks repetitively. A person having anxiety may also develop unusual physical habits, like nail-biting, skin picking, or pulling out hair.

2. Physical pain– Anxiety is not just mentally challenging; it can also hurt you physically. When our brain senses a threat, it releases chemicals to prepare our body for responding to the threat. However, over time these chemicals build up in the body, resulting in physical symptoms such as a racy heart, nausea, tummy aches, headaches, dry mouth, or tightening around the chest.

3. Looking distracted- Your friend struggling with anxiety may look forgetful or inattentive. Being distracted occasionally is acceptable; however, it is a matter of concern if it is a regular pattern. Anxiety can dominate their headspace with stress and negative thoughts, distracting them from the present. Your friend may genuinely want to be fully attentive to you. However, their anxiety may pose trouble, not allowing them to focus on the conversation.

4. Difficulty in sleeping- Anxiety is most likely to show up when you have nothing much to do. Once anxious thoughts start creeping in, people may find it difficult to go back to sleep, leading to a vicious cycle of insomnia. It can irritate your loved ones and make them cranky during daytime.

5. Need for reassurance- Anxiety can destroy even the most healthy and vibrant mind. You might notice that your once-confident loved one has started needing reassurance for anything and everything- how you feel about them, how others feel about them, or if what they’re doing is right, and so on. Keep in mind to offer them that reassurance as it may soothe their anxiety and help them feel better. However, it’s also imperative to give them the care and the medical help they need to better cope with their anxiety.

6. Worrying thoughts- Persistent and unrelenting thoughts are common during anxiety. Your loved one may start worrying excessively because of these thoughts, which may further influence their behavior. They are likely to overthink even minor details to the extent that it starts to interfere with their everyday functioning. For instance, a regular headache may seem like a tumor, or they may always be scared of making mistakes and end up never trying at all. 

These thoughts may seem very irrational to you. However, they are a reality for your loved one who is struggling with anxiety. Do not ask them to stop worrying as it will not help. Instead, acknowledge their worrying thoughts and try your best to limit their compulsive behaviors. It will make them believe that you understand and support them. Listening to them without judging or being biased, is also likely to help your loved one in the long run. 

About the business

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues. However, you may not know how to help your loved ones struggling with anxiety. At Steps Recovery Centers, we specialize in treating mental health problems, including anxiety, trauma, and depression. We help our clients regain control of their lives and restore themselves for the better. For more information about us, contact us at 801-800-8142.

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