Crack Addiction: 5 Signs You Might be Addicted

March 1, 2021

Crack cocaine is known for being one of the most addictive substances out there, and it can result in crack addiction. 

Named after the cracking sound it makes when being heated, the high and rush of euphoria that it provides makes it even more addictive than regular cocaine, and someone can develop a crack addiction after a single use. So what are some of the signs to look out for that you or someone you care about might be addicted to crack? Here are five of the signs you should keep an eye out for.

1. Visible Signs

There are a handful of signs of crack addiction that one can identify from the outside looking in. These visible signs of addiction include dilated eyes, nosebleeds, muscle twitches, and even tooth decay and blisters and burns on the user’s lips in more severe cases. These visibly noticeable indicators, when paired with some of the other telltale signs, are a good indicator of an addiction to crack.

2. Irregular Sleep Habits

One big indicator of an addiction to crack is irregular sleep habits. This is due to the fact that crack cocaine is a stimulant. This aspect of the drug leaves the user feeling incredibly  energetic and hyper, and often in a chatty mood. This stimulant is what has so many people coming back to it again and again, so the more that someone uses crack, the more unbalanced their sleep habits and patterns will become.

3. The Highs are High, The Lows are Low

Another sign of crack addiction is found in the overall demeanor and attitude of the user. When they’re in a good mood, their spirits are incredibly high. When things aren’t going so well, they feel very, very low. You’ll also notice that their moods can change in the blink of an eye. One moment they might be distressed and panicked, and the next moment, they’re energetic and excited.

You may also notice some manic behavior. This could range from being extremely talkative to a sudden, intense amount of food consumption. Anything in extreme amounts that happens all of a sudden could fall under the category of manic behavior. 

4. Severe Depression and Anxiety

Just as crack can cause severe mood swings, you’ll find that developing depression and anxiety are also signs of addiction to crack. The challenge here is that someone who has a crack addiction may turn to the drug to help them with their feelings of depression as anxiety, as they feel most at ease when taking the drug. This makes them even more reliant on it to accommodate their new normal.

5. Extreme Paranoia

Any drug that contains stimulants, including crack cocaine, is known for causing paranoia. In a general sense, paranoia can be defined as heightened feelings of suspicion, whether toward other people around you or toward your environment and surroundings. In extreme cases, paranoia can cause someone to have hallucinations, thus furthering the level of uneasiness and distrust that they feel. The more someone becomes addicted to crack, the more likely they are to fall subject to extreme paranoia.

Steps Recovery Centers is Here for You
While a crack addiction can feel overwhelming, understanding what the warning signs are is a wonderful first step on the road to improvement. Taking the time to study it out and gain a deeper knowledge on how the drug works is a great way to prepare for an effective addiction recovery. We provide treatment for those struggling with an addiction to crack across the state of Utah. With facilities in Utah County, Salt Lake County, and Washington County, you’re sure to find a location that meets your needs. Contact us to get more information on how you can get started.

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