Psychotherapy is an integral part of addiction treatment and recovery. Most people seeking help for addiction will also have a co-occurring mental health issues and these co-occurring issues have to be addressed for recovery to last. Often, treatment for mental health...
Alumni Articles
6 Tips for Choosing the Right Therapist in Recovery
Therapy is a critical part of addiction treatment and recovery. At least half of people with...
The Value of Compassion in Addiction Recovery
Compassion is a fundamental trait for addiction recovery and for life. Compassion literally means...
How to Keep a Breakup From Endangering Your Recovery
While there are many emotionally challenging experiences, few are as common and as complicated as...
2 Personality Traits That Make Recovery Harder
Personality comprises the traits that make us who we are. Whereas our knowledge, circumstances,...
How to Keep Anxiety From Derailing Your Recovery From Addiction
Anxiety is a major risk factor for addiction. A large study of more than 43,000 adults found that...
7 Ways to Get More Willpower in Addiction Recovery
One of the persistent myths about addiction and recovery is that it’s all about willpower. People...