Benzodiazepine Detox: What Does it Entail?

February 3, 2025

When it comes to what options are available to those who want to recover from addiction, benzodiazepine detox may be the solution. 

Prescription drugs are one of the most addictive substances out there, and we understand that their addictive qualities can be difficult to overcome on your own. So what are some of the benefits of doing a benzodiazepine detox and what can be expected during this treatment?

What is a Benzodiazepine Detox?

Benzodiazepine is a kind of sedative – it’s used to slow down one’s body, and is most commonly found in medications that give aid with things like sleep and anxiety. This drug has the potential to be extremely addictive, and as the individual consuming it increases their intake, they are also increasing their reliability on the drug. 

Some common medications that contain benzodiazepine are Xanax, Valium, and Verced, among others. In a benzodiazepine medical detox, you’re essentially putting an end to the consumption of the drug and, over time, replacing it with intentional types of therapy. The idea is to create as seamless a transition as possible for the person who is detoxing from the drug.

What Happens During a Benzodiazepine Detox?

So what can one expect to happen during a benzodiazepine detox? The best place to participate in a benzodiazepine detox is in a recovery center – this will ensure you have all of the attention and care you need from both doctors and therapists alike. A medical professional will prescribe a medication to help with the transition from benzodiazepine, and will be administering and monitoring during the detox process.

There are a handful of withdrawal symptoms that one can experience during a benzodiazepine detox. These include nausea and vomiting, tremors, high blood pressure, irritability, an increased risk of seizures, among others. This is another reason why it is imperative that the individual detoxing from benzodiazepine stay in a recovery center. This will ensure that they are kept safe, are effectively monitored, and guided well through their detox.

Moving Forward After a Benzodiazepine Detox

Once the detox has taken place and you no longer find yourself in need of consuming medications that contain benzodiazepine, what are the next steps that you can take? It’s good to maintain a mindset that the detox is the first step in the benzodiazepine addiction recovery process, albeit a step that takes a lot of effort and courage. There are a number of treatments available to help those who are looking to move forward.

You might consider starting with therapy. There are a number of different therapy styles that work very well for those who have just completed a benzodiazepine detox, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, and more. 

We understand that there isn’t one style of therapy that works for everyone. Take some time, do some research, and even take a few practice runs at a few different therapy styles to see what is going to work best for you and your needs. Beyond therapy, you might consider some other options, such as exercise or even yoga. Remember- it’s all about what is going to be most effective for YOU.

Contact Steps Recovery Centers

Acknowledging that you or someone close to you may be in need of a benzodiazepine detox can be intimidating. Know that there are options available to you, and that there is hope through an intentional recovery process. There are Steps Recovery Centers across the state of Utah, from Salt Lake City down to St. George, providing a number of services for those looking to overcome addiction. Contact us today to see what your options are.

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