Conquering Life: 9 Life Skills Activities for Adults in Recovery

9 Life Skills Activities For Adults In Recovery
June 3, 2019

The 9 life skills activities for adults in recovery are:

  1. Build healthy relationships.
  2. Worship and/or meditate.
  3. Start healthy habits.
  4. Maintain a clean environment.
  5. Manage stress.
  6. Follow a budget.
  7. Learn how to communicate.
  8. Reduce boredom.
  9. Find a job.

These life skills for substance abusers will teach you how to get life back on track after drugs. 

1. Build Healthy Relationships

Perhaps one of the hardest (but most rewarding) life skill during recovery is the process of rebuilding relationships with those you love. They have been through a lot while dealing with your addiction and there will probably be hurt feelings and anger. However, your new sober life will encourage them and perhaps allow you to rebuild your reputation. Take it one step at a time and work hard to earn back the trust and love you desire and deserve.

What you can’t do is return to past unhealthy relationships which were enabling your addiction. 

2. Worship and/or Meditate

Whether you pray to your god or meditate to yourself, worship and meditation is a calming, comforting activity that will bring you peace in even the most trying circumstances during recovery. Go somewhere you can feel safe, supported, accepted, and loved. Try going to church, attend your addiction recovery support group, or even simply spend time out in nature with someone you love.

3. Start Healthy Habits

Practice self-care by starting healthy habits. Your body has been through a lot and it’s time to show it some much-needed love.

  • Wake up at a reasonable hour.
  • Perform daily personal hygiene such as showering, brushing and flossing your teeth, and grooming your hair.
  • Break a sweat.
  • Eat healthy snacks and meals and limit unhealthy ones.
  • Retire early to bed. 

4. Maintain a Clean Environment

Even though it takes effort, maintaining a clean living space will go a long way to making you feel much better at home. Make a list of daily and weekly chores and be sure to keep up on them. 

  • Clear Clutter
  • Wipe down hard surfaces
  • Do the dishes
  • Sweep and mop 
  • Dust 
  • Clean windows
  • Take out trash
  • Do laundry
  • Buy groceries

5. Manage Stress

Though the recovery process can be stressful, it’s very important that you learn how to manage your emotions. Stress can make you more vulnerable to getting sick and can even work against you as a trigger. You definitely don’t want a relapse, so think of things you can do to calm yourself when needed. 

For example:

  • Take long, slow breaths
  • Go for a walk or run
  • Listen to some favorite music
  • Eat something satisfying
  • Take a nap
  • Call a friend

6. Follow a Budget

Learning how to handle money responsibly is a big life skill for anyone, but especially for those recovering from addiction. Managing money takes time to master, but be persistent and it will come.

Budget money for:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Groceries
  • Other bills
  • Savings

7. Learn How to Communicate 

One essential skill to learn during recovery is to communicate well. This is important for building relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, and even people you just met. You should learn how to express your feelings accurately, how to be open to other points of view, how to have meaningful conversations, and how to listen whole-heartedly.  

8. Reduce Boredom

One way to reduce boredom is by setting and following a daily routine. Scheduling tasks—beginning and completing them within the allotted time—will create structure and familiarity. Other ways to reduce boredom are by practicing a hobby or pursuing a passion.

9. Find a Job

You may not think you’re ready to jump back into employment, but doing so is actually a good idea. Whether you choose to work part-time or full-time, a job will help curb boredom, pay for your expenses, and give you much-needed confidence.

Use your state’s employment services for help preparing for, finding, and keeping a job. A career counselor is a valuable resource who can match you with compatible employment opportunities. 

Get Your Life Back on Track With Professional Recovery Help

Are you ready to know how to get life back on track after drugs? Could you use some extra support with learning these life skills and activities for adults in recovery? If so, don’t wait.

Contact Steps Recovery Centers for professional help with the recovery process! 

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